Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Return an Excel Worksheet Name to a Cell

In Excel it is possible to use the CELL function/formula and the MID and FIND to return the name of an Excel Worksheet in a Workbook. The formula below shows us how;


(Read the whole passage: http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/return-sheet-name.htm)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

FastestChrome - Browse Faster

FastestChrome is easy to use. Simply look at the previews above. All features are configurable via options.

★ Endless Pages automatically loads the next page just before you reach the end so you don't have to click "Next" or wait
★ To open searches in a new tab middle click the icon
★ Look up definitions instantly by highlighting a word
★ Hover over a link to see how popular it is on Facebook and Twitter (now off by default, go to Options -> Show link info to enable)
★ Better Google: shows you relevant results from real-time and shopping search engines such as OneRiot and Amazon
★ Search more conveniently: select text then click on a search engine to search
★ Automatically turns text URLs into links
★ Adds related articles to Wikipedia
★ **To disable Superfish slide-ups** go to chrome://extensions/ -> FastestChrome -> Options

Note: for security reasons no extensions are allowed to work on these Gallery pages.

(Read the whole page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mmffncokckfccddfenhkhnllmlobdahm?hl=en)