Sunday, May 10, 2015

Concatenate two text cells with a new line inbetween


Is there an easy way to use a formula to concatenate two text cells and insert a new line between them?


In C1 enter:


Check Wrap text (for the formula cell) on the Alignment tab under Format|Cells.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Paste setting in Word 2010 and onwards

If you want to set "Keep Text Only" as your default, you can do the following:
  1. The default paste: default paste
  2. Click the dropdown at the top and choose "More Commands": dropdown > More commands
  3. Click Advanced: Advanced
  4. Change the defaults (to Keep Text Only): Change defaults
  5. Repeating the same paste defaults to text only: Resultant paste

How to fix Flash Player lag in Chrome

If you have some lags in Flash games and you are using Google Chrome, it’s possible that it’s caused by Chrome’s build-in Flash Player (Pepper Flash).

The word “Pepper” is there because they want to pepper life of flash game players  … with lagging. :)
How to disable it? There is easy fix for that:
  1. Type (or copy paste)  chrome://plugins Into Google Chrome address line and hit enter
  2. Click on “Details” in top right corner (it’s not seen on this screenshot)
  3. Deactivate Pepper Flash (You can tell if it’s Pepper Flash by checking it’s location)
  4. If you do not have any other version of Flash there (just Pepper), Install latest version of Flash Player:
Fix lag in Pepper Flash (Google Chrome)
That’s it!
The lag in games should be fixed now!
